Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clayton and His Dinosaur, Neck Gaiters

My mom made my brother and cousin huge stuffed dinosaurs YEARS ago. Brandt's was probably made 29 years ago. I wondered if my mom still had the pattern. Well, a few weeks ago I received the pattern in the mail . She found in the attic. If you have ever been to my parent's house you will know that the place is tiny. How in the world would she still have that pattern? Anyway, I had some scraps of donated fabric (small rectangles, about 12" X 9"). I dyed them will RIT and sewed a few together. To save time and create the look of quilt blocks, I just created seams in the sewn together original rectangles to simulate small squares. I'm not sure why I bothered, because it was pretty time consuming, but it has an interesting look. I think I would have preferred more variety in the values of green, but it's still fine. Clayton gets a kick out of it.

Another project I have been wanting to do is make some of these neck gaiters I saw in the Sahalie catalog. They're called Buffs. I'm so happy that Clayton is starting to pose. (Sarah, I made the white one for Drake. If you want it or the red one, let me know. I am making one for Olivia, too)

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